Wednesday, July 30, 2008
An Open Letter to the Spider Outside My Apartment
Every day we have the same routine. I leave for work while you hide in the bushes. I work diligently in my cubicle, and you weave an elaborate web to catch food. No one notices all the work I get done, and your silk is so thin that it can't been seen with the naked eye. We have a lot in common. We should be friends.
So why then, do you insist on building your web on the front steps every day? I unknowingly walk through it, and get it tangled on my web... bringing you with me. You crawl up my leg, I scream like Jamie Lee Curtis' in her early movies. This is not how friends treat each other.
Can we start our relationship over?
Your hopeful friend,
Suicidal Jane
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Gift That Keeps On Giving.
The anticipation!
It's a strange box, opens very weird.
Looking inside....
It's something yellow. Is that an eye?
Definitely an has eye... two eyes actually.
Is it a sun?
Is it an egg?
A Herpes Virus?!!
Yup, it's a herpes virus.

Mr. J re-wrapped it, and gave it to the man who was suppose to get it. (He wishes to remain unnamed.)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Not dead yet.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Time's a funny name for an herb.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Curing the emo with a yellow flower.

Ever been sad or depressed for absolutely no reason? Whether your life is great or horrible, you're in the dumps for no reason. This is what I define as Emo. And while experts agree that if you're feeling this way often, you should seek psychological help immediately, I understand that that's not always possible. So I would like to offer up a temporary solution.
Indian food. I don't know if it's the incense in the air, the spices in the curry, or the fantastic clothes on the hostess, but I can not be sad after a good meal of Indian food. (I think it's the saffron, an anti-depressant that also helps calms cramps!) Sure, most people like to gorge themselves on chocolate when feeling the blues. But that just makes me feel fat and sad. So next time you think you're about to don the mask of superhero Emo-Boy (see picture above), try some Indian food.
I'm just mad about saffron. And saffron's mad about me. Oh, I'm just mad about saffron, and she's just mad about me. They call me mellow yellow.....
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I love the theater.
Being homeschooled, I thought Monkey Lord was going to avoid all of the painfully horrible highschool drama club plays. But no... I was wrong. And thank god for that!! Because he participated in Opera Unlimited's Day Camp, I got to see him dance around the stage in this:
Gawd, I love the theater.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
I was walking down the street today, and I saw a bird in a tree. But not just any bird, the bird. The bird that killed my baby sister. I knew at once that seeing it today, of all days, was no coincidence. I'd just gotten my shotgun cleaned, and I had it strapped to my back. So I pulled it out of it's strappings, held it up so I could see through it's sights, aimed at the bird.... it was the perfect shot, I pulled the trigger....... shit, I didn't have any shells loaded. I reached into my pocket and started to pull out the two shells I always keep in case of emergencies, when the bird spotted me....... It zoomed towards me, a nose dive with it's beak of death. I thought for sure that I was in for it. That the words "fuck me" would the last words I'd ever think..... a car drove between us, the bird hit it's windshield and fell down dead. But not just any car, the car. The car that killed my dog Lucky.