Saturday, May 23, 2009
I'm sending Bruce Willis a helmet.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I <3 nerds who do it old school
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Winsor Pil-kitties

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How to make your own Yoda ears!
May 21st is Talk Like Yoda Day! And what better way to celebrate than by your wearing your very own Yoda ears!
You will need :
8" x 11" piece of green felt
8" x 11" piece of paper
2 green pipe cleaners
Fabric glue
1 writing utensil
Take your piece of paper.
Fold it in half.
Draw the shape below, and cut it out.
Take the cut out, which looks like an over sized sperm and put it aside.
Take your piece of green felt.
Fold it in half.
Take your cut out, place it on top the folded piece of felt, and cut out the shape of the sperm from your felt.
Now you have two green sperm!
Cut an “x” out of the middle.
Just big enough to fit your ear through.
Notice how the ears just hang limp?
That’s what the pipe cleaners are for!
Curl the pipe cleaners around the ear holes, with the excess pipe cleaner running along the middle of the “sperm’s tail”. One cleaner per sperm.
Use the fabric glue to stick the shaped pipe cleaner to the green felt.
Let it dry.
When that doesn’t work, or you get tired of waiting, use your stapler and staples to staple the pipe cleaner to the green felt.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother to da' hood.
We got into a fight about the imaginary chocolate chip cookies, because it took me three bites to eat each cookie, while it only took him one. I don't remember who started the fight, and why. Was it that my cookies were bigger? Was it that Radio Active Slog was eating more cookies? I may never know. But the way the story goes is that after hearing my brother and I fighting Opera Mom, our mother, took away the imaginary cookies, and the imaginary plate they were on, threw the imaginary cookies in the trash and put the imaginary plate in the sink to be washed later.