Monday, April 9, 2012

More like a curse in my opinion.

Instead of doing important things, like doing any form of work OF ANY KIND, I spend most of my time watching television. I know I'm not the only one. This means that I also watch a lot of commercials and movie trailers. One movie trailer has grabbed my attention.

The Lucky One

It's a movie based on a book, by Nicholas Sparks who writes books that make you cry out of your vagina, so I've been told. I'm not passing judgement. I haven't read any of his books. Or seen any of the several movies based on his books.

But I do have a problem with a line Zac Efron's character says in the trailer.

"You deserve to be kissed, every day, every hour, every minute." Not the first time I've heard those words being uttered in an effort to be romantic. But every time, I can't help thinking... that would be seriously inconvenient.
*kiss* Babe, would you please *kiss* pass the toilet paper?