Thursday, January 1, 2009


Thing that have happened last year worth looking back at:

I started a blog.

Barbie was dumped by Ken.

Barbie's sex tape was unveiled.

In a series of experiments I saw who would win in an all out fight, a waterproof camera or a sopapilla.

I discovered that my cats are genocidal maniacs reincarnated.

I tried to befriend a spider.

I decorated a friend's desk.

I made a movie about Tetris.

Walmart told me it was okay to have sex out of wedlock.

Indiana Jones was happy to meet me.

And I did a post a lot like this one celebrating 100 posts, because I was too lazy then as now to write something original.

Happy 2009 Everyone!

1 comment:

GabberYuki said...

it is strange yes more of a suprise to me the power of twins we are both geminis as well. save a twin plant a cherry tree:) have you ever seen the divorced barbie joke? seen it somewhere but cannot recollect it ahhhh gotta go home take care and be safe!